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Article IV: Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process within the Optio Blockchain is designed to be inclusive, transparent, and efficient. It ensures that all significant decisions are made collectively by the community.


This article outlines the detailed steps and mechanisms involved in proposal submission, voting, and implementation.

Proposal Submission

The proposal submission process empowers every node owner to contribute ideas and initiatives for the improvement of the Optio Blockchain.

  1. Eligibility to Submit Proposals:
  • Any node owner within the Optio Blockchain network has the right to submit a proposal for consideration by the DAO.
  1. Proposal Requirements:
    • Proposals must be detailed and comprehensive. Each proposal should clearly articulate the objectives, outlining the specific goals and intended
    • Node owners must include implementation plans, covering the necessary actions, timelines, and milestones for the proposal.
    • Resource requirements must be clearly specified, detailing the financial, technical, and human resources needed to implement the proposal. This ensures that the community can assess the feasibility and resource allocation effectively.
  2. Submission Process:
    • Proposals are submitted through a designated platform or portal provided by the Optio Consortia DAO This platform ensures that all submissions are organized, accessible, and open for review by the community.
    • Once submitted, proposals are made publicly available for discussion. Community members are encouraged to provide feedback, ask questions, and suggest improvements. This collaborative approach helps refine proposals before they go to a vote.

Voting Process

The voting process ensures that all significant decisions are made democratically and reflect the collective will of the node owners.

  1. Voting Rights:
  • Each node owner within the Optio Blockchain has one vote for every node they own. This principle ensures equal representation.
  1. Voting Period:
  • The minimum duration for a voting period is seven days, allowing all node owners sufficient time to review, discuss, and cast their votes.
  1. Approval Criteria:
    • Proposals are typically approved by a majority vote.
    • Any change to the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority vote. Other significant proposals may also require a higher threshold, as determined by the Optio Consortia DAO.
  2. Transparency:
  • The voting process is conducted transparently, with results being publicly accessible.


Once a proposal is approved by the DAO, it moves into the implementation phase, where the Council of Ordinals effectively puts it into practice.

  1. Role of The Council of Ordinals:
    • The Council of Ordinals is responsible for implementing accepted proposals by coordinating necessary actions, managing resources, and ensuring that the execution aligns with the proposal’s objectives and plans.
    • The council works closely with relevant developers, providing guidance and oversight throughout the implementation process.
      1. Adopted amendments to the Constitution shall take effect immediately unless otherwise specified in the proposal.
  1. Progress and Updates
    • Transparency is crucial during the implementation phase. The Council of Ordinals and the implementing teams must provide regular updates to the community, detailing progress, milestones achieved, and any challenges encountered.
    • These updates are shared through the same platform used for proposal submissions.
  • A comprehensive record of all initiatives, including the original proposals, voting results, and final result, is maintained and made publicly accessible.
  1. Accountability and Feedback:
    • The community has the right to monitor the implementation process and provide feedback. If any issues or deviations from the approved plans are identified, the Council of Ordinals must address them promptly and transparently.
    • Post-implementation reviews are conducted to assess the outcomes and effectiveness of the proposal. These reviews help identify lessons learned and areas for improvement in future proposals and implementations.
    • Periodic reviews of the Constitution and its amendments are conducted to assess their impact and effectiveness. Feedback from the community is solicited to inform these reviews and guide any future amendments.